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Testimonials: Faculty & Staff

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves -- love of God, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. 这是一个多么难以置信的机会,能成为这样一所既重视学术卓越又重视圣经真理的学校的一员.

  • Dr. Donna Furrey
  • Teacher

Dr. Donna Furrey


曾是新葡京app的学生, I know first hand the impact that a Christian school teacher can have on a student’s life. 我将永远感激我的中学科学老师. Although I may not remember any of her lessons, I clearly remember the impact she had on my life. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves — love of God, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. 这是一个多么难以置信的机会,能成为这样一所既重视学术卓越又重视圣经真理的学校的一员. 

作为一名教练,我有幸看到我们的球员树立了体育精神的标准,因为他们在联赛排名中与大多数公立学校保持竞争. 当他们在比赛结束后邀请对手一起祈祷时, 我相信我正在见证一个过度强调胜利和自我荣耀的体育狂热文化的转变, and not enough on respect, humility, 用运动来荣耀上帝.

  • Barry Veenstra
  • Athletic Director & PE Teacher

Barry Veenstra

Athletic Director & PE Teacher


你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
After spending 7 years in the world of sales and marketing out of New York, 唯一的目标和回报与利润率有关, becoming a teacher brought the sense of purpose and fulfillment that had been missing in my life.

我无法想象教授像个人健康和健身这样的话题, exercise science, human sexuality, stress management, nutrition, 或者从其他角度进行品格教育. To omit God and faith in Christ from the discussion would be to teach only a partial truth.

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?
I am passionate about music and enjoy using/referencing it often in class.

Frankly, they are the type of kids I wanted my children to spend their formative years surrounded by, and are a big part of why my wife and I sacrificed to send four to EC from pre-K through high school.

新葡京app的口号是“引人入胜”. Nurturing. Transforming.你是如何在EC的岗位上做到这一点的?
作为一名教练,我有幸看到我们的球员树立了体育精神的标准,因为他们在联赛排名中与大多数公立学校保持竞争. 当他们在比赛结束后邀请对手一起祈祷时, 我相信我正在见证一个过度强调胜利和自我荣耀的体育狂热文化的转变, and not enough on respect, humility, 用运动来荣耀上帝.


I have been impressed with this school system from all angles–as a student, a parent, and now most recently, as a teacher. The school embodies what I believe it means to be a Christian learning community. Not only is a biblical worldview infused through curriculum and activities, the school staff is a loving, 一群有爱心的人,他们真正以卓越为目标工作.

  • Leah Genuario
  • Teacher

Leah Genuario


我教新闻学,年鉴和论文研讨会. I’m also the Herald editor.

I have been impressed with this school system from all angles–as a student, a parent, and now most recently, as a teacher. The school embodies what I believe it means to be a Christian learning community. Not only is a biblical worldview infused through curriculum and activities, the school staff is a loving, 一群有爱心的人,他们真正以卓越为目标工作.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
I enjoy investing in the lives of younger people and see it as a ministry. 我在之前的记者职业中找到了很多乐趣, 在别人身上培养这些天赋是令人兴奋的. 我想成为一名老师,鼓励学生认识到他们的天赋,并激励他们加强这些技能.

我们的基督教信仰应该指引我们所做的一切. 这意味着我们的工作非常出色, 检查我们的话题是否具有教育意义和启发性, 并努力以尊严和尊重的态度对待我们的受访者. 作为学生新闻培训的一部分, 我们着眼于商业道德模式, 并根据腓立比书4:8来检视文章的主题. 对我来说,让我们的学生明白我们的基督教信仰在我们做的每件事上都发挥着作用,无论是仔细检查名字的拼写,因为我们希望自己的名字拼写正确,这一点非常重要, 一直到在我们的调查报告部门付出额外的努力来建立一个新葡京app耶稣的历史性的案例.

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?

新葡京app的口号是“引人入胜”. Nurturing. Transforming.你是如何在EC的岗位上做到这一点的?

培养精神——认可并肯定我所看到的人才. Treating every student as a valued student and encouraging everyone to excel.

Transforming the World–Focusing on article topics that elevate conversation.

我最希望我的学生看到上帝. 如果他们不能从他们的榜样身上学到同情心,他们现在生活中与他们在一起的时间比其他任何成年人都多, then I am not doing my job. 当然,我希望他们不要欠债,当然也不要学文学! 我希望他们喜欢挑战和学习.

  • Dawn Heerema
  • 高中金融和英语教师

Dawn Heerema


我喜欢成年人的榜样是家庭的延伸. 他们的关心和爱超越了课堂. Academics are still varied, and the schools offer a mixture of ability and options. 它足够小,没有孩子在混合中丢失.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
I was a parent first, and I saw the care and nurturing offered by the staff to each child. 我也很欣赏在保持学术严谨性方面所取得的进步.

With literature, 有很多机会从角色的角度来呈现基督教世界观,比如阿提克斯·芬奇, 把他放在一个敬虔的父亲或职业律师的角度来分析. In my finance class, we always take biblical perspectives in our studies. 我给这堂课的主要问题是:“当天父不在的时候,你如何使用他的资源??”

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?
When studying literature, worldview is a key component in developing Christ-like compassion. 我真的很喜欢教这个,并把它应用到课堂上. 我不觉得我们的工作完成了,直到孩子们在我的教室里被改变,即使只有一点点.

Oh, the list is endless. They have hope. 他们更满足于自己是谁,他们拥有什么. 他们认为世界是一个无限的地方,存在于自己的世界之外,由于使命的机会和生活学习. “It isn’t about them.” Of course, these are blanket statements, 但我敢保证,与我以前在公立学校的教学任务相比,大厅里的气氛是非常不同的. 外观更流线型,不显眼的不合适. The children have a warmness that comes from God and it transcends those awkward years of adolescence. At the younger schools, 他们接受了自己的信仰,并且直言不讳, which is a joy to hear! Even the music that I hear on iPads or the little ones singing on the playground is not offensive, 这是欧共体成功的标志,它改变了这一代人,而不是强迫他们遵守世界的方式. 很多家长都说,EC是物有所值的. I would agree.

我最希望我的学生看到上帝. 如果他们不能从他们的榜样身上学到同情心,他们现在生活中与他们在一起的时间比其他任何成年人都多, then I am not doing my job. 当然,我希望他们不要欠债,当然也不要学文学! 我希望他们喜欢挑战和学习.

我是新葡京app的一名老师,也是两个新葡京app学生的母亲, and through these two perspectives I see God’s faithfulness to our school over the past 100+ years. 听我女儿谈论她们的老师, friends, 在课堂上,他们脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,这对我和我丈夫来说是一种祝福,因为我们很重视他们在学校里学到的基督教观点...

  • Liesl Botbyl
  • Middle School Teacher

Liesl Botbyl

Middle School Teacher


全身心投入工作的教师, parents that sacrifice much so their children can get a Christian education, 一个相互关心并专注于一个共同目标的社区.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
我是新葡京app的一名老师,也是两个新葡京app学生的母亲, and through these two perspectives I see God’s faithfulness to our school over the past 100+ years. 听我女儿谈论她们的老师, friends, 在课堂上,他们脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,这对我和我丈夫来说是一种祝福,因为我们很重视他们在学校里学到的基督教观点; in the classroom, at school functions, and on the sports fields. 我记得我在小学教书的第一年,当我听到那些孩子们每周在教堂里唱出他们的小心曲时,我的脊背发冷. 现在是一名中学教师, I get tears in my eyes each graduation when I realize just how much our students have grown physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. 没有别的工作能给我带来这样的快乐! To be a part of the teaching staff where I grew up is a real blessing to me; an opportunity to give to my students what my teachers gave to me, a safe, loving, school community where we strive to be learners of this world God created for us.

在科学这门学科中,有许多话题是基督徒和非基督徒科学家可以争论的, 我们的学生可以用他们的信仰来解释一位伟大而强大的造物主的工作,这是非常重要的. 花时间对科学的每一个细节感到惊奇和敬畏是我课堂观点的重要组成部分. 从最初形成我们的微观细胞, 在浩瀚的宇宙中,我们永远不会明白作为上帝创造的管家的重要性, 我最喜欢的一些概念要和学生讨论吗.

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?

当然它们并不完美, 中学生当然是典型的青少年, 我们的孩子真的很有爱心. 他们欢迎新同学到他们班来, they enthusiastically serve in the community and they desire to spread God’s love to the world.

While I certainly want my students to gain a better understanding of the science world, I think there are more important things that I can teach them while teaching them science. I pray that I can be a role model to all of my students in the way that I chose to live my life, 每天都在展示圣灵的果实. 从长远来看,他们在我班上的成绩并不重要, 但当他们成长并与周围的世界互动时,成为基督门徒所需的“技能”更为重要.

I love that at Eastern Christian the entire school day is centered around the Word of God, 学生们从小就被教导上帝爱他们, and has a plan for their lives.

  • Sarah Vander Wall
  • Preschool Teacher

Sarah Vander Wall

Preschool Teacher

I love that at Eastern Christian the entire school day is centered around the Word of God, 学生们从小就被教导上帝爱他们, and has a plan for their lives.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
我喜欢在新葡京app教书,因为我可以用我作为教师的天赋来完成基督在大使命中的命令:“使人作门徒”.” It is a great privilege to play a part in leading young students to Christ.

当学生从新葡京app毕业的时候, 他们学到的不仅仅是数学, science, Bible, spelling and social studies, 而是如何在这个破碎的世界里成为基督的跟随者. EC students are prepared to take what they have learned and use it for the glory of God, and the advance of His kingdom.

I want my students to see that I strive in every way to be an imitator of God. 我想让我的孩子通过我看到基督的爱.

We have an awesome responsibility to teach our students 'in the way they should go', 在我们所教导的一切中揭示上帝的奇妙世界. I want to be a part of that.

  • Rob Flim
  • Middle & High School Band Director

Rob Flim

Middle & High School Band Director

我真的很喜欢我工作的环境. The administration and staff are very supportive of the music department. I especially appreciate working with the students in all the grade levels.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
We have an awesome responsibility to teach our students ‘in the way they should go’, 在我们所教导的一切中揭示上帝的奇妙世界. I want to be a part of that. Students and parents are generally supportive and encouraging towards the music department.

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?
Enthusiasm, energy, and excitement, 是会传染的,我试着用这种方式向我的学生展示我自己. I try to be encouraging to my students, pushing them to keep going and to give their best.

In general, 欧共体学生意识到他们是一个充满爱心的社区的一部分,希望看到他人的利益和福祉. EC students are polite and respectful towards each other and to the faculty.

I want my students to discover and appreciate God’s amazing gift of music. I want them to enjoy music and to appreciate its role in their lives and in the world they live in.

I’m Canadian and love winter!

EC students come from homes with a shared desire to nurture young hearts in the faith. Though Christian homes may still struggle with the common problems and challenges of our times, 我们与家长的合作创造了一个多元化的学生群体,在最重要的事情上有着共同的主线.

  • Debra Veenstra
  • Elementary School Teacher

Debra Veenstra

Elementary School Teacher


I love the caring environment and common purpose shared by administration, staff and parents alike.

你为什么喜欢在新葡京app教书? 是什么促使你成为新葡京app的老师?
I am forever grateful for the sacrifices my parents made to send me to Christian school. 我的丈夫和我有幸为我们的四个孩子做同样的事情,我想不出更好的地方来利用我的天赋和热情为我们社区的孩子们服务.

重点是把我们的身体看作是上帝的圣殿,我们每个人都有责任照顾好上帝的荣耀, not our own. Play experiences are opportunities to demonstrate love for your neighbor through respect, love, and encouragement, as well as a means for developing physical gifts and talents that are pleasing to our Lord.

What is a unique experience, 你把才能或兴趣带到课堂上,帮助塑造学生的学习经历?

EC students come from homes with a shared desire to nurture young hearts in the faith. Though Christian homes may still struggle with the common problems and challenges of our times, 我们与家长的合作创造了一个多元化的学生群体,在最重要的事情上有着共同的主线.

I hope they gain a desire and enthusiasm for living an active, joyful, healthy lifestyle!


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